Backyard Living Source, Inc. and the Grandio Greenhouses® brand is a small family-owned and operated business. For twenty years, we have played a role in contributing to the Idaho community by creating jobs, bringing innovative products to the market, and contributing to sustainability by providing products that enable individuals to be self-reliant and grow their own food. At BLS, we understand the challenges in starting and growing a business, responding to market changes and customer needs, and developing a strong culture that reflects the values and traditions of the family. We’ve had many mentors along the way and now it’s our turn to give back. Our business is committed to empowering the next generation of farmers, food producers, and business owners of America through our scholarship program.


Fill out the registration form below to be entered for a chance to receive a scholarship of $500 to use toward school expenses. Twice a year, 5 eligible applicants are randomly selected to receive $500 each. Eligible applicants will be pursuing an education in horticulture, agriculture, or business. Recipients must attend school the semester the scholarship is awarded. Winners are listed on our website at following the drawing dates listed below. See Official Rules for details.

Scholarship Open Application Periods:

Semester Applying ForEntry Period TimingDrawings To Occur On Or Around
Spring 20258/1/24 through 11/30/2412/5/24
Fall 20254/1/25 through 7/31/258/5/25
Spring 20268/1/25 through 11/30/2512/5/25
Fall 20264/1/26 through 7/31/268/5/26

Applications for Spring Semester 2025 open August 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024

    All fields marked with * are required.

    Personal Information:


    Picture of Driver’s License or State Issued ID card, front and back:
    Photos must be less than 2mb, and one of the following file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .webp or .pdf

    Education Information:

    Have you received a scholarship from BLS before?

    Are you eligible to apply for the BLS Scholarship?

    *No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. The BLS Scholarship is open to legal residents of the United States, Washington D.C., or a United States Territory. They must be attending an accredited undergraduate/graduate post-secondary institution, or higher education technical/ trade school, for the semester the scholarship is awarded and majoring in horticulture, agriculture, or business. See official rules for details here.


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